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The Power of Declarations

Dale Walker

In Romans 4:17, Paul in referring to Abraham’s bold confession that he was going to have a son through Sarah in his old age, gave a description of God as being the one who “calls the things which are not as though they are…”

It is a fact that often great things only happen when we decide what we are going to believe and expect before we know how we have the capacity to perform it.

I can still remember when John Kennedy in the early 60’s declared that the US would have a man on the moon before the end of the decade. It’s hard to imagine, but at that time, all of the technology that NASA had was really less than what an average person has today on their laptop or smart phone. But it was that declaration that unleashed creativity and collaboration.

We know that “nothing is impossible with God” and yet plugging into God’s resources is something that requires steps of faith to do.

It is clear that faith declarations are part of that. I was even thinking of how the vows of marriage are another example of that. Looking back at the time I said “I do” and pledged undying loyalty, sacrifice, and love I really had no clue what I was saying. Couples say “for better or for worse” with such sincerity with no grasp of what worse could really be like. Nevertheless, I know that declaration has held my heart on course and helped Sharon and I determined ways through some messy hurts and disappointments with each other over the last 40 years.

In a recent message I led the congregation in a declaration of purpose. This was done at the end of our 40 Days of Purpose: What on Earth am I here for spiritual growth campaign. I combined the choices that we had been encouraging the congregation to make through our studies and some of the language from a famous writing called “the fellowship of the unashamed.” This was allegedly a declaration written by an African pastor who was soon to by martyred for his faith.

I’ve included that with this blog for your encouragement.


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